Welcome to our blog where we try to keep family & friends updated on our daughter/granddaughter, Alicia, who is one of the most adorable five year olds ever! She was born with a very rare & aggressive disease, called Fanconi anemia, which causes bone marrow failure, as well as different cancers . She is currently undergoing a bone marrow transplant to try to cure her bone marrow issues. If you'd like to gain a little more background, please visit our first entry HERE.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day +325

Ok Ok Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have gotten a few e mails that were not to nice so I need to appologize for the lack ofupdates.

Alicia is still without a tube. I am not sure how long though. Dr Davies said she need to maintain her weight or she will be getting another tube, she is not eating well so It ill probably be sooner than later. She looks like she is getting so little to me. She also has dark circles around her eyes which has me worried also.

One good thing is she is taking her meds pretty good without the tube. I have to hold her nose and count to three and she takes them real fast. She is very terrified of the tube so that has a lot of leverage.

We should be going back to Cincinnati in a couple of weeks for a follow up, and actually i am very glad and can not wait for Dr Davies to have a look at Alicia to ease my mind. She has not been seen here except her hospital stay which the Hematologist here never even came to check on her. She is only seen by a Home Nurse and that has me worried.

Thanks for checking on us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Praying she gets better and can gain some weight.
Love you guys!

Charisse said...

Praying Alicia will gain some weight. I know how this issue can make one feel anxious! I always feel anxious when I see Isaac is losing weight or not gaining and he doesn't have FA!
Love Charisse

Dianne said...

Thanks for the update. I will pray that Alicia gains some weight.
Thinking of you...Dianne

Anonymous said...

People need to chill! You'll update when you can!
Stopping by to let you know I'm praying!
Isaiah 12:2-3 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Prayer BearsMy email address