Welcome to our blog where we try to keep family & friends updated on our daughter/granddaughter, Alicia, who is one of the most adorable five year olds ever! She was born with a very rare & aggressive disease, called Fanconi anemia, which causes bone marrow failure, as well as different cancers . She is currently undergoing a bone marrow transplant to try to cure her bone marrow issues. If you'd like to gain a little more background, please visit our first entry HERE.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day -1

Last night was another hard one for Alicia. After most of the day with ups and downs with her BP, ( mostly ups) they finally got it under control (at least I thought) arond nine pm. Denise and I thought It would be best if I stayed at the RMH for another night of sleep since we both knew I would not get much tonight with her transplant being tomorrow, but I was only over there less than an hour when Denise called and said her BP went very high again ( 171/101) and she was now complaining of her head hurting so I came straight back here and Denise went to stay at the RMH. They finally got the BP back under control around midnight and we both got a little sleep. Around 5:00 this morning she woke up grabbing her stomach and crying and then came the vomitting again. They have given her more med to help and dhe is resting a little now but as for myself I will have to survive today with the four hours of off and on sleep.

Today is Radiation. She is going to be picked up by ambulance at 10am and taken to the Barrett Center. She will be sedated again so hopefully it will go well and she can get some much needed rest before her BIG DAY tomorrow.

I will update on how her radiation goes later this afternoon and also with her Lab counts. Please will everyone say an extra prayer for Alicia today, I have a feeling inside that this day will be a challenge for her.

Very nervous and tired Mee-Ma